ماجستير: التحليل المكاني لترمل النساء في محافظة المثنى.pdf

كوكب الجغرافيا مارس 11, 2020 مارس 11, 2020
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التحليل المكاني لترمل النساء

في محافظة المثنى

رسالت مقدمة

إلى مجلس كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية في جامعة البصرة

وهي جزء من متطلبات نيل شهادة الماجستير آداب في الجغرافيا

من الطالب

أحمد حميد رسام البركات


الأستاذ الدكتور

صادق جعفر إبراهيم

1440هـ - 2019م

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research University of Basra College of Education for humanity Department of Geography 

Spatial analysis of the widowhood of women in Muthanna Governorate 

A Thesis submitted to the Council of the College of Education for humanity in Basra University As Partial Fulfillment to the Requirements of M.A. Degree of Geography 

by Ahmad Hameed Rasam Al-Barky 

Supervised By 

Prof. Sadiq Ja’afar Ibraheem (PH.D)

 2019 A.D - 0441 A.H


   The phenomenon of widowhood is one of the most important phenomena that have social and family repercussions, and affects all members of the family, which may have a negative impact on society, so this phenomenon was worth the search. 

   The study was based on the main objective of the study to reveal the spatial and temporal distribution of the cases of widowhood in Al- Muthanna Governorate. On the field study as well as the use of quantitative and statistical methods, and the study also focused on studying the demographic characteristics of widowed women and the causes of widowhood and institutions concerned, as well as the effects left by widowhood on the widow and the family and society And try to find some ways to alleviate the suffering of widows. 

  In order to achieve the objective of this study, it was necessary for the study to be four chapters, preceded by a comprehensive introduction, as well as its conclusions and recommendations. 

  The first chapter dealt with the geographical distribution of widows in the study area for the years 1997 and 2017. It consisted of three investigations, the first included the numerical and relative distribution of widows in the study area, and the second part included the environmental distribution of the supplements and its characteristics. The third topic dealt with the relationship between population and number of widowhood cases, Mortality and widowhood rate, while the second chapter focused on the demographic characteristics of the supplements, and included three topics dealing with the first demographic characteristics and the second focused on the economic characteristics and explained the third social characteristics of the supplements. 

 The third chapter explains the causes of widowhood in the study area and the institutions concerned with widows and divided into two sections explaining the reasons of husband's death in the study area. The second topic dealt with the institutions concerned with official and non-formal widows. The fourth chapter dealt with the effects of widowhood in the study area, Of the suffering of widows, and came in two topics dealt with the first topic demographic and economic effects, and the second topic focused on psychological, health and social effects and included the third study ways to alleviate the suffering of widows.

   The study found a number of results, the most important of which was the high rates of widowhood in the study area compared to the population and the high proportion of young widows. The real dependency rates of the widows and the low level of widow's income were also high.

  The study showed that widows receive primary care from the Social Welfare Department, religious and charitable institutions, relatives and neighbors. The study recommended a set of proposals that would alleviate the great suffering suffered by widows in the society of the study area, including ministries, institutions and those concerned. 

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