دكتوراه: الثروة الحيوانية في محافظة البصرة دراسة جغرافية

كوكب الجغرافيا مارس 08, 2020 مارس 08, 2020
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الثروة الحيوانية في محافظة البصرة

دراسة جغرافية

أطروحة تقدمت بها

ابتسام كاطع خاجي اللامي­­­­­­­­­­

إلى مجلس كلية التربية – جامعة البصرة 

وهي جزء من متطلبات نيل درجة دكتوراه فلسفة في الجغرافية


الأستاذ المساعد الدكتورة 

بشرى رمضان ياسين الطه

1431هـ - 2010م 


  تعد الثروة الحيوانية من الثروات الوطنية والقومية التي لها دور أساس في القطاع الزراعي ومصدراً مهماً من الدخل القومي الزراعي. وتعد منتجات هذه الثروة من اللحوم والحليب من المصادر المهمة للبروتين الحيواني الذي يعتبر من المكونات الغذائية المهمة للإنسان، ونظراً لزيادة عدد السكان وزيادة الوعي الصحي والثقافي وزيادة دخل الفرد يتحتم زيادة هذه المنتجات الحيوانية لسد الطلب المتزايد عليها وبذلك يأتي الدور الأساس لتوفير هذه المنتجات عن طريق زيادة عدد الحيوانات الزراعية المنتجة وزيادة إنتاجية الحيوان الواحد.

  تربى في محافظة البصرة أعداد من الحيوانات أهمها الأبقار والجاموس والأغنام والماعز والإبل، تبلغ (362386) رأس([1]) موزعة على قسميها الشرقي والغربي حيث تسود تربية الجاموس في المناطق القريبة من الموارد المائية السطحية وكذلك الأبقار تنتشر أيضاً في المناطق الزراعية حيث تعتمد على المخلفات الزراعية أما الجهات الصحراوية والبادية فتكاد تنعدم فيها تربية الأبقار والجاموس وتركز التربية فيها على الأغنام والماعز والإبل لقدرتها على تحمل الظروف القاسية البيئية والمناخية في تلك المناطق.

     تعد هذه الدراسة أول محاولة لدراسة الثروة الحيوانية الموجودة في محافظة البصرة دراسة جغرافية، حيث دُرست المنطقة بجميع الاختصاصات وبالذات من الناحية الزراعية التي ركزت على الإنتاج النباتي فقط وأهمل الإنتاج الحيواني، لذلك حاولت هذه الدراسة التطرق الى هذا الجانب المهمل والمكمل للقطاع الزراعي للوقوف على أهم معوقات هذا النشاط محاولين إيجاد حلول ووضع المقترحات لها بغية تطويره كي يسهم ولو بجزء بسيط في توفير الغذاء إلى السكان.



([1])   مديرية زراعة محافظة البصرة،قسم خدمات الثروة الحيوانية،بيانات رسمية ، غير منشورة ،2009. 

((Animal Resources in Basra Governorate )) 
(Geographical Study) 

Thesis submitted by 

Ibtisam Qatiie' Khaje Al-Lami 

To Board of College of Education- University of Basra, as partial requirement to obtain PH.D in Geography 

Supervised by 

Assist. Professor 

Bushra Ramadan Yassin Taha 

2010 A.C - 1431 A.H 

Summary & Conclusions 

  The study dealt with the reality of Animal Resources in Basra Governorate , its development and, its Geographical changes for the period from 1976-2008 , in addition to the study of Animal genus of all kind of animals , and geographical distribution of their breeding system according to Administration Units and Geographical factors that affected the mentioned distribution and the problems of the animal resources , and its futures horizons in Basra Governorate , according to he what been discussed in the previous chapters , the study revealed the following results: 

1. Basra Governorate has main three genus of cattle , which are constitue as follows , Al-Urabia , (83.9)% , Al-Awasiah, (10.6%) , and Al-Niemiah(5.5)% of the total kinds of cattle available in the area. 

2. There are main three genus of Cows , mixed and crossbred which constitute as follows , (60.6) % , Al-Jinobia , (32.9)% , Al-Shurabia , (0.8)% and another types such as Al-Frizan which constitutes (5.7)% of the total of cows available in the area. 

3. There are two kinds of buffalos , river buffalos and marshland buffalos. 

4. There are main three genus of goats in Basra Governorate which are as follows; such as Al-Urabia , that constitute (63.9)% , Al-Shamia , (24.9)% , Al-Mire's , (11.2)% of total goats in this area. 

5. There are camels ( of one bunch) in Basra Governorate. 

6. There many kind of domestic birds which are bi-purposes chickens , that constitutes (44.8)% , egg-able chickens , (20.6)% , meat chickens, (8.6)%, Swan & Ducks, (25.7)%, as for Turkey chickens , it is constitute (0.3)% of total domestic birds in this study. 

7. There clear differences in numbers of produced animals in Basra Governorate, in the period of 1976-2008 , which witnessed up and down in numbers, as their numbers in 1976 were (206204) , rise up to (243325) in1978 , then decrease to (161239) in 1986, to reach up to (102725) in 2001, then the rate was increased in 2006 to (132111), and continued to increase to reach up to (362386) during 2008). 

8. The distribution of animal resources differentiate the whole governorate , where cows and buffalos concentrated in the western part in the area of study due to the appropriate environment , while the breeding of cattle camels concentrated in western part of the area of study due to the vast area of its breeding places. 

9. The districts of ( Al-Zubair, Qurna, and Al-Mudaina), occupied the first three places among the administrative Units in Basra governorate in some produced animals. 

10. Cattle is considered to be the most kind of produced animals spread in the area of study averaging (52.2)% , while cows & buffalos averaging (21.2 & 22.4) consecutively, as for the camels & goats was occupied the last rank rate equal to (1.5 & 2.7) of each consecutively. 

11. The raw milk produced in Basra governorate was almost ( 42211) tons, while buffalos inhabited the first rank in term of production ( 25758) tons, then the amount of cows, cattle and goats reached up (459, 3642 and 12352) tons of each consecutively, and this amount is not meet the need of individual of milk where the ration of one individual is not exceed (22.07) Kg/ yearly. 

12. Basra Governorate experience an ecological factors represented by ( Surface, climate , soil, water resources , and natural plants) ,which has great influence on agricultural production , and differences in geographical distribution of produced animals in the area , which can be briefed as follows 

A. The area of study characterized by flat plane which help to breed produced animals , and it can be easily extended horizontally in field of agricultural investment. 

B. Appropriateness of climate features ( sun beam, humidity , rains, relative humidity ..etc) of breeding produced animals , and will not cause problem except over-thermal cases). 

13. Basra governorate has a sediment soil , which increase in fertilization at the area located at rivers banks , while become salty at tails of rivers , at the areas that are not reformed , nevertheless , they can be reformed and invested in many agricultural corps , in case of the availability of water and the required consideration ( attention). 

C. The area of study has big network of rivers , channels, and irrigations channels spreading in most of its sides specially the eastern territory , which high quality water specially when chemically treated , in addition to the fact that the western part the are depends on underground water , of which the agricultural animal water requirements rate of Basra governorate are approximately reached (12.9)% of annual revenue of Shatt-Al-Arab (7.9) billions m3. 

D. The plant wrap (cover) ,of the area of study, characterized by lack of intensity and decrease in it vitality , and shuttering of plant wrap specially in western territory of concerned area , have reflected to nature of the breeding areas , which made poor , and low in its Green exposure , and its breeding capacity. 

E. Basra governorate has advantage of Human resources represented by ( Labors, cultural policy , quality of animal food..etc) ,which has effective role with natural factors ( weather, climate..etc) in variation of image of geographical distribution of produced animals in the area , which can be briefed as follows: 

a. The differentiation of size of agricultural labors among the districts and sub-districts in the area of the study , in addition to differentiation of quality structure , where rate of males is equal to (52.8)%, and females is equal to (47.2)% , and the differentiation in educational structure , where the illiteracy is equal to( 58.5) % which least rate of those who have bachelor degree; equal to (0.1) %. 

b. Lack of government contribution in developing animal resources. The activity has not enough support , it was neglected since 1986 till 2008, when the government sustain the loan system but it was not good enough to develop this activity. 

c. Farmers Cooperation Societies did not contribute in supporting this activity related to breeding animals until it will completely terminated , also, there are Farmers Cooperation societies specialized in animal production in Basra. 

d. Lack of planted areas , and lot of deserted areas and the decreasing of land that suitable for planting which are ( 10.5)% of the total area, beside there are not such many investors that supposed to invest in this field , where invested agriculture lands of agriculture season of 2008-2009 were ( 19929333) donem or equal to ( 24.8)% of the whole suitable lands ; the actual invested areas of filed corps or fodder are not equivalent to this activity which their areas are( 68356) donem or equal to (10.8)%, which means that there are approximately (602803) donem of lands suitable to be planted ,which are not planted and they can be exploited in planting field & fodder corps , special corps that can be gown despite the high temperature and salinity such as barely. 

 Also in the study, there are an important source that can be utilized in animal food which is dates , that the area of study considers one of very famous in growing dates-palms in many various kind of dates , where bad kind of dates can be used as food for animals , not to mention using leaves and the cores of dates , that can be little enough to meet the need of animal's food somehow. 

e. The area of study has reasonable veterinarian institutions and some veterinaries ,but these institutions are currently experience lack of personnel and lack of medicines and vaccinations. 

f. Animal resources in Basra governorate suffer from many diseases such as virus, bacterial , and parasite diseases ; some of these diseases could treated great deal of these diseases and vaccinate the animals 

14. Basra governorate has three types of holdings of holding system used in holding animals represented by closed holding , semi-closed holding and open holding which the most prevailed one among the others. 

15. In the area of study , there are networks of transportation roads that contribute in connecting the parts of the governorate by each other and with other governorates which facilitate the transportation of it productions inside and outside the governorate. Also , the governorate has many markets resulted from the great rate of population ( 1,912.533) and purchase power they enjoy as due to increasing living level , the high educational level , and their awareness of the importance of the animal production food. 

16. The study reveal many problems that face the animal's resource sector that impede the development process , most of these problems were related to human and nature factors , that can be summarized as following: 

A. Lack of Natural pastureland , and fodders , its rate (57.1) % which the total of problems the animal resources suffers in Basra Governorate 

B. Lack of government support which its rate is (10)% of the total problems the animal resources suffers in Basra Governorate. 

C. Lack of veterinary heath care which its rate is (8.9) % of the total problems the animal resources suffers in Basra Governorate. 

D. The problem of transportation roads and incompetent marketing system which its rate is (6.1)% of the total problems the animal resources suffers in Basra Governorate. 

E. Low water quality , and decreasing water which its rate is (5.9) of the total problems the animal resources suffers in Basra Governorate. 

F. Fluctuation of animal prices which its rate is (4.6)% of the total problems the animal resources suffers in Basra Governorate. 

G. The problem of veterinary instructions , and lack of the role of Farmers Cooperation Societies which its rate is (4)% of the total problems the animal resources suffers in Basra Governorate. 

H. Lack of slaughterhouses and unjust salutary which its rate is (2.7)% of the total problems the animal resources suffers in Basra Governorate. 

I. Lack of experience of breeder which its rate is (0.32)% of the total problems the animal resources suffers in Basra Governorate. 

J. Circumstances of the weather and sever climate which its rate is (0.28)% of the total problems the animal resources suffers in Basra Governorate. 

K. Lack of labors which its rate is ( 0.1)% of the total problems the animal resources suffers in Basra Governorate. 

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