أثر المناخ على جيمورفولوجية حوض الفتحة - سامراء باستخدام برنامج GIS

كوكب الجغرافيا أكتوبر 03, 2019 أكتوبر 03, 2019
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أثر المناخ على جيمورفولوجية حوض الفتحة - سامراء

باستخدام برنامج GIS

أ.م.د. لطيف مزعل صالح 

م.د. حمده حمودي شيت 

جامعة تكريت - كلية الآداب - قسم الجغرافية التطبيقية

مجلة سر من رأى - المجلد الرابع عشر - العدد السابع والخمسون - السنة الثالثة عشرة  - كانون الأول 2018 - ص ص 343 - 374:

The Effect of Climate on the Geomorphology of Al-Fateh Basin-Samarra Using GIS Program


1- The basin has a direct and indirect effect on the geomorphology of the basin of Al-Aftah Samarra. The basin is located in the dry and semi-dry climate according to the classification of Bhwn and according to the classification of Mather, an arid climate based on these categories. 

2- the rainfan in the large daily and monthly thermal range between July and January . 

3- The basin is limited between the lines of rain (150 - 200) mm . 

4- High evaporation . 

5- Therefore, the water budget is negative, ranging from 11-12 months . 

6- affects the climate on the conduct of geomorphological processes so predominates physical weathering while less chemical and organic weathering and thus highlights the role of wind as a carving, erosion and sedimentation. 

7- The existence of many dry valleys, which vary in rank as well as the impact of geological formation and construction processes in the four-year impact on the clear forms of the ground .

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