Eastern Desert of Egypt Field Conference Feb. 17- 23, 2007 Informal Field Guide

كوكب الجغرافيا أغسطس 01, 2019 أغسطس 01, 2019
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Eastern Desert of Egypt Field Conference   Feb. 17- 23, 2007 Informal Field Guide

Eastern Desert of Egypt Field Conference 

Feb. 17- 23, 2007 Informal Field Guide

The East African Orogen (EAO) marks one of earth’s greatest collision zones, a global feature in space (about 6000 km long where it is preserved in Africa and Antarctica; Fig. 1) and in time (350 million years of evolution) (Stern, 1994). The EAO formed when fragments of East and West Gondwana collided, beginning ~630 Ma ago (Meert, 2003). The southern part of the EAO is also known as the Mozambique Belt and is thought to be where the most intense continent-continent collision occurred. The Mozambique Belt is thus dominated by deformed, metamorphosed, and anatectically reworked older crust


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