The use of remote sensing and geographic information systems for irrigation management in Southwest Europe

كوكب الجغرافيا أكتوبر 04, 2019 أكتوبر 04, 2019
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The use of remote sensing and

geographic information systems

for irrigation management

in Southwest Europe


M. Erena, A. López-Francos, S. Montesinos, J.-F. Berthoumieu



Head of publication: Francisco Mombiela

SERIE B: Studies and Research

2012 - Number 67

List of contents

Foreword.................................................................................................................................. 3


The TELERIEG project – Erena M., López Francos A. ................................................................ 7

Background of TELERIEG Project – Berthoumieu J.-F................................................................ 15

Geographic Information Systems: Data versus information. Introduction to Remote Sensing

– Montesinos S., Fernández L. .................................................................................................. 25

Generation and interpretation of images – Montesinos S., Fernández L................................... 31

Spanish National Remote Sensing Program, a way to achieve massive use of remote sensing

data – Peces J.J., Villa G., Arozarena A., Plaza N., Tejeiro J.A., Domenech E. ............................ 37

Introduction to ILWIS GIS tool – Montesinos S., Fernández L.................................................. 47

Applications of remote sensing of low resolution

Use of remote sensing for the calculation of biophysical indicators – Hernández Z.,

Sánchez D., Pecci J., Intrigiolo D.S., Erena, M........................................................................... 55

Assessment of vegetation indexes from remote sensing: Theoretical basis

– García Galiano, S.G............................................................................................................... 65

Applications of remote sensing of medium resolution

Estimation of irrigated crops areas: Generation of water demand scenarios

– Montesinos S., Fernández L. .................................................................................................. 79

Remote sensing based water balance to estimate evapotranspiration and irrigation water

requirements. Case study: Grape vineyards – Campos I., Boteta L., Balbontín C., Fabião M.,

Maia J., Calera, A...................................................................................................................... 85

Models for assessment of actual evapotranspiration from remote sensing:

Theoretical basis – García Galiano S.G., Baille A...................................................................... 95

Estimation of actual evapotranspiration from remote sensing: Application in a semiarid region

– García Galiano S.G., García Cárdenas R................................................................................ 105

Applications of remote sensing of high resolution

Thermostress. An automatic imaging process for assessing plant water status from thermal

photographs – Jiménez-Bello M.A., Ballester C., Castel J.R., Intrigliolo, D.S............................... 121

The use of multispectral and thermal images as a tool for irrigation scheduling in vineyards

– Bellvert J., Girona J................................................................................................................. 131

Study of the effects of irrigation on stem water potential and multispectral data obtained

from remote sensing systems in woody crops – Alarcón J.J., Pérez-Cutillas P............................ 139

Use of remote sensing and geographic information tools for irrigation management

of citrus trees – Jiménez-Bello M.Á., Ruiz L.Á., Hermosilla T., Recio J., Intrigliolo D.S............... 147

Automated extraction of agronomic parameters in orchard plots from high-resolution imagery

– Recio J., T. Hermosilla T., Ruiz L.Á. ........................................................................................ 161

Thermal infra-red remote sensing for water stress estimation in agriculture

– Labbé S., Lebourgeois V., Jolivot A., Marti R. .......................................................................... 175

Contribution of airborne remote sensing to high-throughput phenotyping of a hybrid apple

population in response to soil water constraints – Virlet N., Martínez S., Lebourgeois V.,

Labbé S., Regnard J.L. ............................................................................................................... 185

Case studies

Irrigation Decision Support System assisted by satellite. Alqueva irrigation scheme case study

– Maia J., Boteta L., Fabião M., Santos M., Calera A., Campos I................................................ 195

Transpiration and water stress effects on water use, in relation to estimations from NDVI:

Application in a vineyard in SE Portugal – Ferreira M.I., Conceição N., Silvestre J., Fabião M...... 203

Contribution of remote sensing in analysis of crop water stress. Case study on durum wheat

– Jolivot A., Labbé S., Lebourgeois V. ........................................................................................ 209

Application of INSPIRE directive to water management on large irrigation areas
– Erena M., García P., López J.A., Caro M., Atenza J.F., Sánchez D., Hernández Z.,
García R.M., García R.P............................................................................................................ 217

Soil salinity prospects based on the quality of irrigation water used in the Segura Basin
– Alcón F., Atenza J.F., Erena M., Alarcón J.J.............................................................................. 223

Radar-aided understanding of semiarid areas: Maximum depression storage and storm motion
– García-Pintado J., Barberá G.G., Erena M., Lopez J.A., Castillo V.M., Cabezas F..................... 231

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